TABLEAU 2019.3 – WHAT TO EXPECT? - Beinex


3 Feb 2021

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    Tableau 2019.3 – What to Expect?

    Tableau’s mission has always been to develop and deliver what customers ask. With Tableau server’s latest version 2019.3 (in beta now), it has brought out many exciting features like embedding Askdata, maintenance message, extract encryption at rest and more. Let us have a look at some of these upcoming features.

    Ask Data improvements

    I love to see when Tableau listens to customer feedback and continue to work on those asks. Ask Data is one of the most waited features in Tableau server’s previous releases and customers have asked if it can be embedded on other portals. With this release we can embed Ask Data into other company portals and let people ask questions.


    Extract Encryption at Rest

    Tableau cloud already provides volume encryption at rest and we already know that. Now with Tableau server, you will have the flexibility to have the encryption at REST for extracts. Server admins can enforce encryption of all extracts on their site or allow users to specify encryption for their published extracts.


    It gives multiple options to enable this. We can have it for all the extracts or let user decide which extracts should be encrypted.

    PDF attachment to subscriptions

    It sounds very simple. But attaching pdf while sending the subscription was never an easy task. Tableau has made it easy now.


    While creating a subscription, you can mention whether it should be an image or PDF or both.

    Passwordless Tableau Server upgrades, node addition

    As a server specialist, I know how tedious it is to enter password on a command prompt screen where you don’t see any characters getting typed. Often it goes wrong and we must reinitiate the process. With 2019.3, we can upgrade tableau server to next version with out manually entering the password or we can add new node without a password.


    Adding a new node to the cluster no longer requires the username/password, if the bootstrap file you have created was in the last two hours.

    Export to what you want

    Exporting to PowerPoint will have all the sheets and sometimes we don’t need this. If you are a user who wants to export specific sheets in the workbook, this feature covers you. Now you have the option to select the sheets that you want to export.


    And many more capabilities like new search results page, context filters on web, content sharing improvements, new product language Italian, etc. Beinex is a digital transformation organization en-rooted with ideas, innovation and unparalleled customer service. Our mission is to transform the way individuals and the organizations work with the data through innovation and experience.

    If you are interested in learning more about the latest Tableau release and use cases, please contact us at and we would be happy to schedule a Tableau demo or training for you and your company.

    The features shown above are currently in beta release and these might or mightn’t be available in the actual release.