Drug Statistics Shape-up for a Leading Hospital Chain in the MENA Region

Drug Statistics Shape-up for a Leading Hospital Chain in the MENA Region

After the deployment, the client achieved a decrease in the stock of drugs by 50% across the centres, which led to overall efficiency gains.
Industry Industry



Region Region





Tableau Desktop

Client Client


The client is a renowned hospital chain in the Middle East. The chain spans all of the region’s major cities with around 100+ centres in the form of clinics and hospitals serving patients 24 hours. It caters to approximately 50,000 patients daily and has employed some of the most outstanding medical professionals across several domains.

Requirement Requirement


The client faced frequent challenges related to the availability of essential items required to run the day-to-day operations of their various clinics and hospitals. One such challenge was that while there would be an overstock of drugs available in one clinic, simultaneously, there would be a shortage of the same medicine in the other. The client required an overview of their inventory and stock across various hospitals/ clinics for drugs, equipment etc., to plan better.

Challenges Challenges


  • Data lying in excel sheets with multiple owners
  • Data in different formats across excel sheets from various centres
  • No standard data definition for crucial values
  • No centralised view of the other aspects of centres’ inventory across different facets
  • No visual way to view data
Process Process


The different centres of the client were using their definitions for exact terms. The first was to create a glossary with standard definitions of KPIs of interest. This was followed by creating data using SQL from different client centres. This step, in turn, was followed by data cleaning in Python.

The Python scripts and the data glossary reduced the errors by almost 90%.

Now that the relevant data had been generated, this had to be shown in the form of stunning charts and indicators. Tableau Desktop handled this task.

Result Result


  • Interactive dashboards that allow self-service analytics for the user
  • Streamlined data that can be analysed with ease
  • The dashboard helped reduce the wastage of drugs on account of expiry by almost 13%.
Key Key

Key Takeaway

After the deployment, the client achieved a decrease in the stock of drugs by 50% across the centres, which led to overall efficiency gains.

Client Client Requirement Requirement Challenges Challenges Process Process Result Result Key Takeaway Key Takeaway