Modern Cloud Analytics: A Reign of Actionable Insights!

Answers to the most pressing questions of the day are on the cloud. But are you able to fully leverage the cloud to your advantage? How much aware are you of what is happening in your cloud right now?​

Modern Cloud Analytics

Bring certainty to cloud functions with nil hassles

Integrated data management, scalable analytics and dynamic workload management are at the left, front and centre of modern-day cloud analytics. With the separation of storage and compute functions setting in, the potential value you can save on your cloud spend has improved beyond comparison. Add to this, the retinue of other benefits accorded by this architecture: zero hassles setting up, a significant reduction of dependencies, speed and intuitive interfaces. Beinex, a pioneer in the Middle East in modern cloud functions and analytics, can change the way you see, perceive and analyse cloud data, and take it to a superior, advantageous position.

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The Beinex Approach​

How we do what we do.​

The PPTD or People-Process-Technology-Data paradigm of Beinex is the active core of Cloud transformation for your business. We deploy the model to work for you and empower you to leverage the benefits to your distinct and lasting advantage.


Cloud migration is a critical component for organisations that are on the verge of modernising their analytics platform. At Beinex, we have a team of expert and talented cloud architects and engineers who are happy to work with you in your journey of implementing enterprise-ready cloud solutions and modernize your analytics platform.​


Beinex has already got a solid footing working with a range of partners inclusive of but not limited to Snowflake, Tableau, Alteryx, Alation and Databricks in the respective cloud domains. We are robust enough, capability-wise, to address the process requirements of plugging into a hybrid multi-cloud world with the ability to deploy anywhere including public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP) and on-premises.​


Be it integration with first-party cloud services or ingestion of modern data sources or aiding with leveraging the architectural capabilities of cloud technology, like separation of compute and storage with elastic scaling, we are adept and nimble. Amazon EBS, Glue, S3, Azure Blob Storage, Databricks, Data Factory, Power BI: you name it, supreme expertise exists with each one of this technology.


Every second produces unimaginable volumes of data with a proliferation of data types and data sources taking clickstreams, social media feeds, sensor data and data from digital twins to mind-numbing dimensions. This portrays the new-normal as tapping into all this information for a comprehensive picture of an enterprise is a given. ​

The Flexible Paradigm

Beinex Delivery Model​

The Beinex Delivery Model constitute a range of options that can be customised depending on your ground reality. It primarily falls into one of the following buckets for you:


Right people. Right expertise. Right guidance. Beinex's team of cloud architects and engineers will guide and consult to energise your cloud migration journey and to set up your analytics leap-to-future. Enterprise-ready cloud analytics at its superlative manifestation. ​

Co-sourcing & Training​​

Let us work with you to supercharge your surging ahead in the cloud domain. While you focus on core business activities, we enable you to maintain the rest of your cloud operations and analytics in the best shape. Training, infrastructure, migration; you name it, we cover it. Flexibility and collaboration are the buzzwords here with cost and thought leadership empowering your future​

Why Choose Beinex.

Cloud has long been the new reality of our times apart from the separation of compute and storage functions. But to leverage the power of cloud to the fullest extent needs more than traditional analytics capabilities which we are proud to wield:

Modern Cloud Analytics Beinex Approach​ Why Choose Beinex

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