Audit Analytics Using Tableau - Fundamentals

Training Date: August  07-08,  2024

Course Description

Audit Analytics Using Tableau - Fundamentals is designed for beginners and aims to teach them how to use business intelligence (BI) tools to perform quick and insightful data analysis in various audit phases.

What sets this course apart is its unique curriculum-based approach, which includes hands-on labs and personalised coaching to assist learners.

Course Summary

Course Type


Course Duration

2 days/ 14 Hours


9 AM to 4 PM


Virtual room/ Onsite


Systems with Tableau Desktop license pre-installed.


Classroom training with hands-on activities

Course Expectation

After completing the training, you will be equipped to:

  • Employ data analytics in different audit phases.
    • Planning
    • Execution
    • Reporting
  • Use Tableau for continuous monitoring
  • Complete data quality checks for large volumes of data
  • Use sampling techniques to pick the best samples
  • Identify outliers and perform exploratory analysis
  • Confirm the correlation between variables
  • Create hypothesis tests and validate them using Tableau
  • Gather deeper insights by visualising data
  • Deliver results using robust visualisations
  • Prepare the Tableau system for Audit Management
  • Identify the use of data analytics in:
    • Use case 1: HR Audit
    • Use case 2: Procurement Audit
    • Use case 3: Finance Audit
    • Sharing & collaboration in Tableau

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